Sunday 19 October 2008


Breed: English Springer Spaniel
Gender: Male (Not Nueterd)
D.O.B: 29/04/05 (4 years old)
Got you day: 25/11/05
Achievements: The Kennel Club Good Citizens Award Bronze, Silver and Gold
Tricks/Commands: Over 40 from Sit to Play dead

Likes: Balls, Toys, Bones, His dinner, Fireworks, Working, Females (dogs and humans), Walks, Water and Sleeping on Sofa's or Beds

Dislikes: Most other UN-Nueterd male dogs, dogs tying to dominate or hump him (with exception to small terriers humping him), Being told off, Being left alone, Fleas, People who attack or threaten me and having small animals put on his head or back.

Diet: Raw Meat, bones and vegetables and Beta kibble.

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